"Now then we are ambassadors for Christ" - 2 Corinthians 5:20
God advanced His kingdom when He called Abraham in Genesis 12. This trend follows as God calls Isaac-one soul. Then God calls Israel- another soul. God calls Joseph- one soul. He calls Esther- one soul. We get into the New Testament; God calls His Only Son Jesus Christ to pay the ultimate price for our salvation. God does this again, when He calls Saul of Tarsus- another soul.
This concept of one soul is central to God’s heart for mankind. The heart of God’s redemption covers the whole world, yet redemption is experienced one soul at a time. God showed the value of one soul in Matthew 18:12 – a shepherd with a hundred sheep, had one of them go astray, he leaves ninety and nine, and goes into the mountains to seek out the lost one.
Mother Teresa was known for this one soul concept as she served her people and communities. Same was Brother Lawrence approach to serving people in his communities. A man of deep prayer, he sought to minister the grace of God one soul at a time. God has given His remnant this window of time to advance His kingdom exponentially with everything we have and with everything we are, reaching souls.
Every follower of Jesus Christ is on earth today because God has mandated them to advance Him and His Kingdom within their given sphere of influence. Look at the Word of God in Matthew 5:14-16. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." This scripture makes it clear that we, as believers, are carriers of God’s light and our purpose is to make Jesus known to everyone yet to know the amazing grace of God in their lives.
Believers can fulfill this godly mandate by shining the light of Jesus Christ in every circumstance they find us. Additionally, it can only be accomplished through possessing the correct attitude. It involves looking beyond one’s abilities and stepping into the unknown by contributing, helping, supporting, changing, pleading, and standing in the gap on behalf of one soul. And any believer, young or older, can produce an impact on the life of others, one soul at a time.
Imagine the power that tiny mosquitoes have. Each one as tiny creatures can make a significant negative impact on a person’s health. One bite from a mosquito can lead to malaria. This goes to show that no one or no group is too small to make a difference, one soul at a time. Only a little spark is needed to ignite a revolution. For believers our aim and focus is eternity- it is forever and the mandate for every soul not yet anchored in Christ is very urgent!
Every born-again believer already have what it takes to ignite and advance God’s kingdom revolution. Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, bathed in compassion, every born-again believer is fully empowered and equipped to shine the light of God, one soul at a time. This is the time and hour to be the “mosquitoes” of the world that are determined to advance God’s kingdom for His glory. It is time to galvanize the body of Christ to generate the mosquito effect in our world for the glory of God.
Along these lines of advancing God’s kingdom here at Oasis, we continue to grow and amidst these continuous growth in serving our communities, we have made some changes to our weekly Saturday newsletters. If you are on our newsletter subscription, you have received this information already. Beginning next month this newsletter will be monthly (3rd Saturdays) featuring three sections: Encouragement, Prayer Requests and Announcements. This will give our team more efficiency in delivery of our services and enough turnaround time on many of the operations of all our organizations. Please mark your calendars, here are dates to be on the lookout for our monthly newsletters: 2/15, 3/15, 4/19, 5/17, 6/21, 7/19, 8/16, 9/20, 10/18, 11/15 and 12/20. Let’s pray together for the exponential advancement of God’s kingdom on the earth, one soul at a time.
In Christ's Love,
Drs. Johnson & Feyi Obamehinti