One of the things I evaluated as I prepared for the assignment were some anecdotal and statistical research that showed how a father’s beliefs are critical in passing on faith to the younger generation. Mothers have a significant role of nurturing the hearts of their children to a place of receptivity; while fathers have the unique influence of leading the hearts of their children in response to who God is as our heavenly Father.
Here are the points I shared with the men last week; I pray every young father that reads this will be blessed and challenged to make a renewed commitment to create and live a legacy of faith in their families.
Prayer: It is much easier to lead your children to Christ; if they see you live a life of prayer at home and not just at church or special events. Your children are your fruit inspectors. They know what is real and what is fake. Pray and read God’s word with your children. If you don’t already have one, establish a family altar in your home. This is a time you set aside to intentionally pray, read and study God’s word together as a family.
Passion: Living a life of excitement for God in your home helps your children understand that it is a privilege to be a child of God. It is not a dread to live for God. We get to have fun expressing this amazing life of God we have in Christ both here on earth and with our Lord forever.
Purpose: Whether you have come to discover this or not; God has a divine purpose for your family. Every orchestrated step in your life; has the stamp of the living God. Once, you come to this discovery of the purpose of God; you come to a new understanding that you are a steward of God’s blessings, which include your children.
Dear brothers, this month we celebrate Father’s Day; make it a memorable one with your family. Leave an eternal imprint that will live long in your children’s heart and memories. May our Lord continue to grace you with His wisdom as you lead your families for His glory!
For The Cause of Christ,
Dr. Johnson Obamehinti