Here we are; in one of the most challenging times in our world. Covid-19 brought the world to a stop with the closings of churches, businesses, schools, events, and aspects of governments all over the world. With this health crisis we have seen loss of loved ones, businesses, jobs, dreams such as graduations, weddings and many more that will take some time to thoroughly assess. One thing is certain in these uncertain times; there is a loving God who cares dearly and desires relationship with His creation no matter the circumstances. What an appropriate time to look up, set hearts upwards, and gaze towards the Only One that deeply understands when nothing seems to make sense about Covid-19. In the last four weeks our ministry -Oasis Focus Inc., have received double the amount of prayer requests from around the world. My husband, myself and our board members are praying with you and for you that the faithfulness of our Great God will cover you during this Covid-19.
Last year, many of you followed my interviews with WMAP Radio; K.C. Armstrong and team. I was honored to have those interviews as part of K.C. Armstrong’s Second in the Simply Amazing Project. A project similar to volumes in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Just in time as we all look forward to life after Covid-19, the Simply Amazing Women is a compilation of stories from twelve other women and me. We take you on our journeys and how the struggles and challenges we each faced, made each of us a better woman. For me, it chronicles the amazing grace of God, without which it would be impossible to be who I am today. All praise and glory goes to the LORD. The official release date is May 1, 2020. However, you don’t have to wait till then. You can pre-order your copy now by clicking the hyperlinks. Additionally, enjoy the following insightful review from Diane Donavan, editor, author, literary agent and reviewer at Midwest Book Review/Bookwatch. "If ever there was a good time to publish an inspirational collection of stories, it's now. Simply Amazing Women is about choosing the kinds of responses during adversity that translate to survival and courage. While these mini-biographies were compiled before Covid-19, they highlight the ongoing need for inspiration now as never before, and are intended, like those in its predecessor Simply Amazing Special Author’s Edition, to provide the encouragement to not just go on with life, but make it the best possible.
The examples posed by these women all demonstrate paths to rising above adversity. Readers receive a survey filled with intense battles involving self-healing, transformation, and the kind of self-improvement that leads to helping others both through example and by outward-oriented effort.
Take 'A Mother's Love', a hard-hitting interview with mother Marcy Stone about an amazing journey into motherhood against all odds. K.C. Armstrong's interview here is designed to follow the building blocks of how Marcy Stone evolved her life perspective and came to rely on it to face and overcome many obstacles in her life. From how she overcomes impossible predictions to her realizations of what it really means to be a mother, her story is filled with insights readers will find hard-hitting, remarkable, and clear in their progressive learning opportunities.
Another thoroughly engrossing piece is 'A Song of Gratitude', an interview with Dr. Feyi Obamehinti, who met her abusive mother for the first time at age 16. Dr. Obamehinti's life experience not only led her to become a prominent Christian figure serving as an example for other women, but helped her build a strong family without many of the challenges she faced as a child: "Sometimes, we have to become what we never had. For me, that meant being a loving, caring and present mother for our daughters."
As these remarkable lives unfold through interviews designed to pinpoint the origins of their strengths and perspectives, readers are treated to a moving, inspirational account offering various strategies for overcoming adversity.
As a new world replete with fear, death, and division emerges, there is no better time for reading and considering this book's underlying message about not just survival but building and rebuilding a better life from the ashes of disaster. Very highly recommended as a torchlight guiding the way to transformation.
Simply Amazing Women | K.C. Armstrong |WMAP Publishing
Hardcover: 978-1-7347058-0-5 $28.99
Paperback: 978-1-7347058-2-9 $19.99
Ebook: 978-1-7347058-1-2 $8.99
Until next post friends, stay safe and healthy. Love & Blessings!!!
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast" (Ephesians 2: 8-9).