How can it be that we are already halfway through January? The New Year has taken off! I hope your seat belts are on for a terrific ride. As customary, we have technicians come in and do routine inspections on all things like plumbing, electrical, and hvac the first few weeks of a new year in our home. This helps us plan if we have anything that needs quick attention or something for later time. This approach has been helpful to spot things we typically would not have caught. We do not rely on last’s year inspection reports to plan for the new year. Each year, presents different areas to take care of.
The new year-2020 arrived with the Holy Spirit speaking along the lines of a technician. You see a technician has spent countless of hours learning the trade as an apprentice under the tutelage of a master technician. Nowadays we have vocational schools for technicians to attend. Back in the days of Claude Monet, Leonardo da Vinci, Charles Dickens, Vincent van Gogh and such more, they supervised apprentices producing various masterpieces. A masterpiece is known as a creation of outstanding creativity, skill or workmanship. As part of our Christmas festivities, our family (with exception of one daughter) had the fun of painting one of Vincent van Gogh’s masterpieces- The Starry Night, depicting the village of Saint Remy. Pictured below (with permission to share from instructor), are Vincent van Gogh’s original masterpiece and our painting group’s pictures showcasing each of our paintings. All we had to do was listen to the master teacher’s instructions and follow each step as given. Daydreaming or attending to distractions meant one missed a step of instruction that eventually affected the masterpiece-painting. The best part was that some of us (some of the younger members) had no idea we could make such masterpieces; but we came into the painting studio with eager anticipation to follow the master.
This is what year 2020 requires- following the Master Teacher -Jesus Christ as He leads, guides, corrects, feeds, cleans, and the list goes on and on. The beauty of following the Master Teacher is that you- His creature is already a masterpiece. You are not living to be a masterpiece. In fact, you are the Master’s piece of beautiful creation. Look at what Ephesians 2: 10, says about you who have been created anew in Christ Jesus; you precious follower of Christ. It says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” He has done all the planning ahead of time. He has made you a masterpiece, so you can go and do those inspections and take care of His business on His behalf. So, if there is any repair work needed, He has factored all that into His already completed masterpiece. No wonder, the Bible says, God is an Awesome God! He is! He already thought about every single thing before making you a masterpiece. This is a good place to praise and thank the Lord!
So dear friends, there you have it- your 2020 simple goal: “Follow the Master Teacher” with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30). I assure you; He has the best custom designed instructions just for you His masterpiece! This is to a wonderful 2020 under the tutelage of the Master Teacher! Love & Blessings!!!
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” - Ephesians 2: 10