First things first! Celebrations have begun for Father’s Day! Happy Father’s Day to my incredible husband! You are amazing! I love you! Happy Father’s Day to my Dad, brothers, brothers in Christ, spiritual fathers, community fathers, pastors, colleagues, and mentors. We salute you and pray continual blessings upon you! Two weeks ago, we had a late spring cleaning and found some cherished pictures of daddy-daughter times. What a treat traveling down memory lane, looking back in deep gratitude for all the LORD has done. I did not ask any permission to post these three favorite pictures- it is called family home manager benefits 😊. Our beautiful daughters are now 29, 27 and 25! To God be the glory! He is indeed Faithful and True!
It has been a blessing receiving so many feedbacks from our ministry friends from around the world! Thank you for sending us your life experiences and what you have been doing to make our world a better place. Many of you shared how our last posts (my husband and mine) on racism have been a catalyst for change in your lives and spheres. First, we give God all the praise for using this medium to encourage and challenge you. We do not take anything we share lightly. It takes us days before the LORD, seeking His heart, sharing with our network of spiritual counselors (in the multitude of counselors, there is safety -Proverbs 11:14) and the Holy Spirit’s clearance before we share. We are aware of the responsibility that comes with being God’s servants in all seasons. So, thank you for sharing and reaching out. We are grateful for you, your work and how God is working through you to bring healing to wounded people and our beloved nation as a whole. As we pivot in this new direction, we look forward to a better and stronger United States. Please, keep her in your daily prayers that God would uphold USA and fulfil His purpose for her in this critical time.
Many of you communicated your desire to be a part of the solution. We are all about solutions here at Oasis Focus Inc. So, here is a good opportunity in education to be part of the solution here in Texas. This is for legal residents of Texas.Texas Education Agency is accepting feedback on draft recommendations prepared by the latest workgroup (Group E) for health education and physical education, which are posted on the following web pages. Feedback will be accepted in response to work group drafts throughout the review process. Comments on the drafts will help to inform future work groups’ recommendations. Additional information and instructions for submitting feedback are also available on the Health Education TEKS Review Work Group Drafts and the Physical Education TEKs Review Work Group Drafts web pages. Click on each hyperlink to get to each web pages.
Provide Feedback For Work Group E Draft Recommendations
1. Health Education TEKS Review Work Group Drafts Link
2. Physical Education TEKS Review Work Group Drafts Link
Content Advisor Consensus Recommendations for Work Group Drafts
From Texas Education Agency: The health education and physical education content advisors convened in May 2020 to develop consensus recommendations based on the Work Group E drafts. To read the content advisor consensus recommendations click on the hyperlink to get to each web pages. It has been an engaging and enriching journey serving along my fellow advisors since last year as we work towards a current health education standards for all 5 million plus students in our Texas public schools.
1. Health Education Content Advisor Recommendations Link
2. Physical Education Content Advisor Recommendations Link
As other solution opportunities become available in other industries and fields, we will share and post action links for you. Remember, we need both the spiritual and physical to bring about change. And it will require everyone doing their part to move us forward as a nation towards solutions. Until next post, much love and blessings!!
"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification." Romans 14:19