First things first! Congratulations to all graduates! Class of 2020 you are a special group of world changers! The pandemic could not overshadow this milestone in your lives. You were created for now! We all are looking forward to your footprints in the world. Click hyperlink -this song is for you! Go and make your marks!
For over a week now, our beloved United States have been embroiled in pain over the unjust death of Mr. George Floyd in the hands of a police officer. The United States is overdue for a change in all aspects of our society in addressing racism, which is a learned behavior. This means racism can be unlearned and only the Holy Spirit can accomplish that transformation. To all our friends far and near; Brown, Black and White hurting at this time; we see you. We acknowledge the hurt and pain. We love you and we are pressing in before the throne of God for tangible change. Together, we know we need both the spiritual and physical to bring about this overdue change in the United States. This overdue change is the will of God.
We can do better as a society and we must do better for the next generation coming behind us. This crossroad moment in America demands the best of everyone like we did after the 9/11 attacks. We must see and relate to everyone as in their created value endowed by God Himself. Human dignity comes from God and not from laws, perceptions, success or status. We can do this with a deep commitment to be better. After all, we are the United States of America- a country woven together from the beauty of different people from diverse backgrounds. Could this be the challenge of Year 2020 as Americans?
We are up to this human challenge. We are the human race! We must end racism and discrimination. We can do this in our government, in our neighborhoods, in our schools, in our churches, in our companies, in our businesses and in our families. It starts with each of us; moving in honesty, forgiveness and reconciliation. The United States of America will be better; because we the humans will be better at seeing each other as we are created. We will hold each other accountable to be better so that the United States of America will be better! Until next post love and blessings!!
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you,
so you must love one another." John 13:34