As we take inventory of all God has done this year across all our ministries (Oasis Focus Inc, Oasis Connection Ministries, The Wellness Project), we are grateful to God and everyone He has worked through to transform lives and build His Kingdom in 2024. As we have done this as a ministry, we know many have done this too as individuals, families, groups, the list goes on and on. God has shown Himself strong on behalf of His people. As each year, 2024 has not been without its challenges and yet it has had many God breathed blessings. We are grateful for every season this year; all it brought us, all it taught us, and all it impacted us for God's kingdom glory.
Here at Oasis Connection Ministries, we want to thank all our partners, sponsors, and friends for an impactful 2024! We have been blessed serving you this year and excited for all God will do in 2025! Looking at our media services (Podcast), this year, you spoke which episodes impacted you the most through the visits to our website- here are the top three episodes this year: (1) Episode 74 on the Power of Forgiveness with Holocaust Survivor- Mrs. Rosian Zerner with over 40,000 visits (2) Episode 77 on the State of the Church on the unraveling in the Body of Christ with over 35,000 visits. (3) Episode 79 on Table of Communion- preparing for the 2024 Elections with over 30,000 visits. Additionally, a look at our website traffic this year, shows a big increase in return visits and unique visits by first time visitors. In January of this year, we had a 55% increase in return visits with 24% increase in first time visitors. As of this post in December, we had a 210% increase in return visits with 328% increase in first time visitors!
We close out 2024 with deep gratitude to God and each of you standing with us in this amazing Kingdom work! To think of the many souls that have been transformed for eternity this year, gives us great joy! We are committed to all God will do in 2025! As always, we are placing 2025 in God's capable hands as we give ourselves to all He will do through each of you in advancing His kingdom! So, as we prepare our hearts for 2025 - we want to encourage you to look to the LORD for His direction. No matter what 2024 may have offered you (good, bad or ugly), determine to leave behind any baggage that could impede or impact your growth and all God has in store for you in 2025! Let Isaiah 43:18-19 empower your determination for a new 2025: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Then prayerfully make Proverbs 3: 5-8 your anchor and guide for all areas of your life for 2025. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones." We wish you and your families a blessed New Year in Christ!
In Christ's Love,
Drs. Johnson & Feyi Obamehinti