Oasis Focus Inc. invites you to its 2021 Annual Women’s Conference in Nigeria, Africa on Saturday, November 20, 2021 from 9:00AM - 2:00PM. If you are in Nigeria, attend this year's conference in person. If you are outside Nigeria, attend conference virtually. God continues to move in this yearly conference, breaking down barriers and bridging generational gaps. Join us for a time of shifting, refreshing, revival and reformation in the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. See the flyer for attendance information. Contact any of the listed leaders to RSVP. "Arise, Shine and Dominate."

Oasis Focus Inc. invites you to its 2020 Annual Women’s Conference in Nigeria, Africa on Saturday, November 21, 2020 from 9:00AM - 2:00PM. Due to Covid19, the conference is virtual this year. Join us for a time of shifting, refreshing, revival and reformation in the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Women and youth in Lagos, Nigeria may attend the conference in person. See the flyer for attendance information. Contact any of the listed leaders to RSVP. "Bringing the Body of Christ Together."
Oasis Focus Inc. invites you to its 2019 Annual Women’s Conference in Nigeria, Africa.
Join us for this inaugural international gathering.
2019 Nigeria Conference Leadership Team Pictures
2019 Nigeria Conference Pictures
2019 Nigeria Conference Pictures
2018 Texas Conference Pictures
Our Speakers
Healed Spirit Healed Body Healed Soul
Healed Spirit Healed Body Healed Soul
Dr. Feyi Obamehinti (Bible Teacher) Dr. Kat Lindley (Family Medicine) Pastor Lori Key (Freedom Ministry)
Dr. Feyi: Healed Spirit (Oasis Focus Inc.)
How did God create us to learn? Our Brains/Computers
(Genesis 2:7), (Ecclesiastes 12:7) The sin by Adam & Even in the Garden of Eden has made us sick and in need of the ultimate redemption/healing. How to be Healed in your Spirit
Dr. Kat: Healed Body (Eagle Medical Center)
General Female Health
Dr. Kat Katarina Lindley D.O. FACOFP Owner and Physician @Eagle Medical Center Direct Primary Care.1421 1189 Suite 7, Brock Texas 76087 |
Pastor Lori: Healed Soul (Renewed Life Church)
Mrs. Brenda Hayes, MSW: Quilt Talk (IDCNT)
"I was moved by worship and the speakers of the Oasis conference. I will never look at the word learn again in the same way. The Holy Spirit was definitely present. Thank you for including me in the conference" Laiah Saafir -Renewed Life Church.
"I was touched a couple of times and became tearful. There's one particular experience I'd like to share. I sat at table 3 with a wonderful group of women. There was one certain woman who became very warm and comfortable with me. She even became quite touchy. Once she leaned over to me and ask, "Have You been Hurt From a Family Member?" I don't know what motivated her to ask me that, but I answered her, "Yes". "She said, "Me too". In silence we held each other and wept. We never spoke of it again, however we had a bond that God has blessed us with that will never go away. "I THANK GOD FOR THE CONFERENCE without the conference I never would have met this SPIRIT FILLED WOMAN." Nikki- Renewed Life Church.
"I had never been to anything like this before. This was my first time attending a conference like this. I am from Mississippi. Thank you and Thank God that I'm alive and I also had a good dialysis." Diane Miller, Mississippi.
"Oasis was a wonderful time of ministry, fellowship and worship. The speakers ministered on the spiritual, physical, and emotional issues we deal with as women and how to overcome them. After a recent serious illness that was near fatal and still recovering, I felt God's healing power through the anointed worship. I totally believe the Oasis Women's Conference is God ordained." Paula Reed- Renewed Life Church.
"I was moved by worship and the speakers of the Oasis conference. I will never look at the word learn again in the same way. The Holy Spirit was definitely present. Thank you for including me in the conference" Laiah Saafir -Renewed Life Church.
"I was touched a couple of times and became tearful. There's one particular experience I'd like to share. I sat at table 3 with a wonderful group of women. There was one certain woman who became very warm and comfortable with me. She even became quite touchy. Once she leaned over to me and ask, "Have You been Hurt From a Family Member?" I don't know what motivated her to ask me that, but I answered her, "Yes". "She said, "Me too". In silence we held each other and wept. We never spoke of it again, however we had a bond that God has blessed us with that will never go away. "I THANK GOD FOR THE CONFERENCE without the conference I never would have met this SPIRIT FILLED WOMAN." Nikki- Renewed Life Church.
"I had never been to anything like this before. This was my first time attending a conference like this. I am from Mississippi. Thank you and Thank God that I'm alive and I also had a good dialysis." Diane Miller, Mississippi.
"Oasis was a wonderful time of ministry, fellowship and worship. The speakers ministered on the spiritual, physical, and emotional issues we deal with as women and how to overcome them. After a recent serious illness that was near fatal and still recovering, I felt God's healing power through the anointed worship. I totally believe the Oasis Women's Conference is God ordained." Paula Reed- Renewed Life Church.