
In time for the holidays-"Our Inside Valuables: Character Development in a Diverse Society" is out! The essence of valuables can be seen in the extent humans will go to protect whatever they feel is important, costly or prized possession. From cars, to homes and jewelry, humans go to a great length to protect anything seen as treasures. However, humans are yet to go to the same extent to protect their inside valuables, such as empathy, integrity, resilience and kindness to mention a few. Could it be because humans are yet to understand how critical character development is to a purposeful life and vibrant society? Or could it be that humans are yet to uncover the complexities of our diverse society and what that requires of each of us?
In "Our Inside Valuables: Character Development in a Diverse Society", difference case studies are examined, insights provided into how important character development is to humans in living a purposeful life and inherently to the thriving of a diverse society. In our rapidly evolving and increasingly interconnected world, the significance of character development is fundamental to shaping not just individuals, but also communities capable of thriving amidst the complexities of multiculturalism and globalization. Visit:
In "Our Inside Valuables: Character Development in a Diverse Society", difference case studies are examined, insights provided into how important character development is to humans in living a purposeful life and inherently to the thriving of a diverse society. In our rapidly evolving and increasingly interconnected world, the significance of character development is fundamental to shaping not just individuals, but also communities capable of thriving amidst the complexities of multiculturalism and globalization. Visit:
In time for the holidays, the Points of Leadership Audiobook series volume 1and 2 by our very own Dr. Feyi Obamehinti are out. Visit, or iTunes to get your copy. It's time to be all God created you to be for His glory! Available on Audiobooks platforms.
![]() In time for the holidays, the Points of Leadership Audiobook series volume 1and 2 by our very own Dr. Feyi Obamehinti are out. Visit, or iTunes to get your copy. It's time to be all God created you to be for His glory! Available on Audiobooks platforms.

Hardcover & Paperback: Discover How To Study Your Bible- New Guide Is Here! -
There has never been a time like now, to know the Bible for yourself! In an age of culture wars, discovering what the Bible says is key to every Christian living a purposeful and impactful life that brings honor and glory to God. In this treasure packed Bible Study guide, you will discover why the Bible is the living word of God, how to thoroughly study the Bible for yourself, why studying the Bible is beneficial to purposeful living, sample plans to study the Bible and how to assess your growth in your relationship with God. Get your copy! Begin your journey with God!
There has never been a time like now, to know the Bible for yourself! In an age of culture wars, discovering what the Bible says is key to every Christian living a purposeful and impactful life that brings honor and glory to God. In this treasure packed Bible Study guide, you will discover why the Bible is the living word of God, how to thoroughly study the Bible for yourself, why studying the Bible is beneficial to purposeful living, sample plans to study the Bible and how to assess your growth in your relationship with God. Get your copy! Begin your journey with God!
Paperback: Companion Manual: Wellness Principles Made Simple
![]() It's here! The Paperback of Companion Manual: Wellness Principles Made Simple by Dr. Feyi Obamehinti! In an easy format, the guidebook and supplement to Crushed to Restored: Principles of Restoration from the Book of Nehemiah breaks down Crushed to Restored: Principles of Restoration in a way that is easy to understand, assimilate and take action for both Christians and non-Christians. The freedom of one's soul is critical and it is the pathway to the abundant life humans were created and meant to live. Click the hyperlink to purchase a copy for you and a friend. “It is not what you know about freedom that counts- it is what you do with what you know that breaks the chains of bondage off your life”- Dr. Feyi Obamehinti |
Kindle Edition: Companion Manual: Wellness Principles Made Simple
![]() It's here! The Kindle version of Companion Manual: Wellness Principles Made Simple by Dr. Feyi Obamehinti! In an easy format, the guidebook and supplement to Crushed to Restored: Principles of Restoration from the Book of Nehemiah breaks down Crushed to Restored: Principles of Restoration in a way that is easy to understand, assimilate and take action for both Christians and non-Christians. The freedom of one's soul is critical and it is the pathway to the abundant life humans were created and meant to live. Click the hyperlink to download the Kindle version to your favorite device.
“It is not what you know about freedom that counts- it is what you do with what you know that breaks the chains of bondage off your life”- Dr. Feyi Obamehinti |

In time for Advent (November 29 - December 24) the newest book by Drs. Johnson and Feyi Obamehinti- Worship Life: Not Just For Sunday releases December 1, 2020. Dive into God's heart in this reflective collection of God's Word centered on the life of a believer. Catch the rhythm of the Holy Spirit in how He prepares the believer daily for a life of praise, thanksgiving, honor, glory and holiness unto our Everlasting King. Worship life for the believer is the fuel for abiding and walking with Christ Jesus. "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such to worship Him" (John 4:23). Thank you for your interest! We now have the 10 people that will be receiving free copies of Worship Life! Good news: You can now purchase your copy and one for a friend in time for Advent by clicking this Amazon hyperlink. Let us know how you are doing as you yearn for our Lord this Advent; we will love to keep you in prayer.

Linda Reese: The year 2020 is an unprecedented year in our lifetime and in history. I know there are so many hurting, heartbroken and fearful people due to the enormous amount of deaths from the COVID-19 virus, uncertainty and divisiveness in our government, systemic racism, hatred, injustices, selfishness, police brutality and the lack of love and respect for one another. Our nation needs God’s mercy, grace and healing. Through partnership with God we can be his conduits using our mouths, hands, feet and our time covering each other in prayer. Each of us can take at least 5 to 10 minutes a day to pray for someone else other than ourselves. While praying just think of this, If your You becomes me and my You becomes You then we’re both covered in prayer. I wonder how different our lives would be or even the world would be if each of us would simply apply this concept by praying more for others on a daily basis. This book is available on Kindle and in paperback. Click this Amazon hyperlink to purchase your copy and one for a friend or family member.

In John 14:26, Jesus explains one of the vital ministry of the Holy Spirit as a teacher. It states, "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." Deepen your Christian walk with this 52 Weeks Reflection & Prayer Journal. This 110 pages journal is great for chronicling weekly scripture references for meditation, for capturing reflective thoughts for future reference and writing down those important dialogue with the Holy Spirit. Each week comes with an extra page to journal. Included at the end of the journal is a bonus prayer. Meditate and pray Psalm 91 daily and be reminded of God's amazing love for you- His Beloved.God declares over you: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." The journal is available on Amazon. Click the Amazon hyperlink to purchase your copy and one for a beloved friend or family member. You can also puchase a customized journal for special occasions. For all requests for a customized journal for special occasions send an email to either [email protected] or [email protected]
The Educator's Compass: A Weekly Lunch Time Bible Study Curriculum by Authors: Dr. Johnson Obamehinti, Dr. Feyi Obamehinti, Linda Reese M.Ed., Joyce Spears M.Ed., Tammy Wright M.S., Vicki Vaughn M.Ed., & Camille Cueto B.S.

The teaching profession is a challenging field. The Educator's Compass is specifically designed to build community during lunch time. It is a weekly Bible Study curriculum to provide weekly spiritual navigation and orientation for public school educators. The goal of this Educator's Compass is to equip and empower public school educators to receive spiritual nourishment, encouragement and community with each other through the Word of God. Our public school teachers are our greatest assets and we want to help maintain them for the long haul. Through this weekly lunch time Bible Study we want them to nurture their spirits and souls. Our students will be the beneficiaries of well nurtured educators.
This study book is available on Amazon and all its distributors. You may order online at Amazon. Click the hyperlink to purchase copies for a beloved educator in your life. To order bulk copies for a campus or district, contact us via email.
This study book is available on Amazon and all its distributors. You may order online at Amazon. Click the hyperlink to purchase copies for a beloved educator in your life. To order bulk copies for a campus or district, contact us via email.
Crushed to Restored: Principles of Restoration from the Book of Nehemiah
by Dr. Feyi Obamehinti

The book of Nehemiah teaches core principles for emotional, mental and spiritual restoration. Experiencing loss is something that everyone can relate to, whether it be from death, illness, miscarriage, rejection, bankruptcy or estrangement. The book of Nehemiah provides divine wisdom and the tools that equip Christians to confidently face any life situation. Using the principles detailed in Nehemiah, Dr. Feyi Obamehinti teaches and shares about her journey of healing from emotional and psychological abuse. A conversational approach is used to clearly explain the principles that will help Christians break free and grow in their relationship with God. This study book will demonstrate that with faith, prayer, integrity and God’s help, we can successfully overcome any type of abuse or loss. We all can come out stronger in our love and service for God, just like Nehemiah and Feyi!
This book is available wherever books are sold. You may order online through the Publisher, Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Click each hyperlink to shop. To learn more visit
Audiobook now available: Audible, Amazon, iTunes. Click on audiobook hyperlink to shop.
This book is available wherever books are sold. You may order online through the Publisher, Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Click each hyperlink to shop. To learn more visit
Audiobook now available: Audible, Amazon, iTunes. Click on audiobook hyperlink to shop.
Take Back Your Ground! It's Yours In Christ by Dr. Johnson Obamehinti

Our ground or place is synonymous to our identity in Christ Jesus. It's our inheritance in Christ. It's all Jesus already accomplished for us as co-heirs of the kingdom of God. For many of us believers, that can translate to many things: it could be our joy, our peace, our mindset, our understanding of who we are, our finances, our family, our health, our connections or relationships, our jobs, the list goes on and on. As Christ's followers, we tend to give away our place or ground to the enemy without ever realizing what we've done. Sometimes, out of ignorance, we give our ground away. Other times, our choices open the door for the devil to come in and wreck havoc in our lives. Nevertheless, the enemy cannot take our grounds unless we give it away. In this book, Dr. Johnson Obamehinti shares his testimony of how God equipped him to take back all the grounds he gave away to the enemy. The book seeks to teach and convey the restorative power of the Holy Spirit when He (the Holy Spirit) is allowed to live through believers.
This book is available world-wide. Order online at or anywhere books are sold. Also available on Kindle. Click below .
This book is available world-wide. Order online at or anywhere books are sold. Also available on Kindle. Click below .
The Minority Homeschooler's Guide Volume I by Johnson and Feyi Obamehinti

An indepth look at how to effectively homeschool your children as a minority, in an arena dominated by the majority population. This book offers resources and materials for readers' use.
Order Today! Order from your local bookstore or call 888-795-4274 ext. 7879, or order online at,, or
ISBN13 Softcover: 978-1591605942
The Power of Irresistible Prayer by Johnson Obamehinti

The Power of Irresistible Prayer contains life-learned principles on prayer from a former Muslim who discovered God’s love and purpose in prayer. Prayer seems so basic, yet so profound, that it takes discipline and practice in order to grow it. Have you ever wondered why fasting and prayer was important? Do you know that names have purpose and meaning in prayer? Are you hungry for a fresh prayer mantle from heaven? These and other answers coupled with Johnson’s testimony are explored in The Power of Irresistible Prayer. From prayer tools to sample prayers and protocols you will be challenged to a deeper walk with God in the place of prayer.
Order Today! Order from your local bookstore or call 888-795-4274 ext. 7879, or order online at,, or
ISBN13 Softcover: 978-1-4535-4576-8.
Order Today! Order from your local bookstore or call 888-795-4274 ext. 7879, or order online at,, or
ISBN13 Softcover: 978-1-4535-4576-8.
The Cooperating Teacher Handbook by Feyi Obamehinti

Written as a resource for teachers and educators alike, this selection will enable you with the tools to help your children achieve their fullest potential. Feyi has been involved in the educational realm for over 19 years and has three children.
Order Today! Order from your local bookstore or call 888-795-4274 ext. 7879, or order online at,, or
ISBN13 Softcover: 978-1441559784
Order Today! Order from your local bookstore or call 888-795-4274 ext. 7879, or order online at,, or
ISBN13 Softcover: 978-1441559784
The Secret Place

"The Secret Place has its own special niche in the realm of prophetic worship music, capturing a sound that is creatively fresh and unique.
The songs of The Secret Place are not christian entertainment, they are songs of the heart and simple intimate expressions of spontaneous prophetic worship. They are not "state-of-the-art" recordings, they are "state-of-the-heart" recordings. They are not polished performances, they are prayer in song. The music is not just a listening experience, it is a journey of worship. The Secret Place is a place of intimacy with the Father, a place where the heart longs for His touch.
These songs reach for the heart of God, and capture the highs and lows of life's experiences in this eternal quest. With an emphasis on intimacy and simplicity, these worship songs are sure to capture your heart, and leave you with an enduring sense of His presence, and a hunger for more.
These songs were written out of times of divine encounter with God. I pray you will find Him here, and that your heart will be touched. I encourage you to draw aside, and allow these prayerful, intimate songs to carry you into the secret place of His presence. May your hearts' deepest longing be fulfilled."
The songs of The Secret Place are not christian entertainment, they are songs of the heart and simple intimate expressions of spontaneous prophetic worship. They are not "state-of-the-art" recordings, they are "state-of-the-heart" recordings. They are not polished performances, they are prayer in song. The music is not just a listening experience, it is a journey of worship. The Secret Place is a place of intimacy with the Father, a place where the heart longs for His touch.
These songs reach for the heart of God, and capture the highs and lows of life's experiences in this eternal quest. With an emphasis on intimacy and simplicity, these worship songs are sure to capture your heart, and leave you with an enduring sense of His presence, and a hunger for more.
These songs were written out of times of divine encounter with God. I pray you will find Him here, and that your heart will be touched. I encourage you to draw aside, and allow these prayerful, intimate songs to carry you into the secret place of His presence. May your hearts' deepest longing be fulfilled."
Fourth of July Dallas Morning News Article
Jacquielynn Floyd: Daughters of immigrants Are American Treasures