The events in the past two weeks have opened up some deep wounds within our nation and God is calling His Church-His Body to represent Him in bringing healing to this nation. The wounds of racism have been patched up for years. It is not a coincidence that within the Covid19 pandemic we have this eruption of anger caused by years of oppression and racism.
The incidences in Central Park in New York and Minneapolis opened up old wounds of racism. Most importantly is the unfortunate incidence in Minneapolis with Mr. Floyd escalating a long time injustice of police brutality that has become too common. My family and I were appalled and disgusted by what happened to Mr. Floyd over a mere $20. And we have seen the protests that have followed since Mr. Floyd’s death. Thank you to all leaders in every sector of our nation that have stood up to these injustices of racism. Appreciate hearing back from some of the law enforcement leaders I reached out to this week. Your voices, care and concerns are noble acts of humanity and dignity of life. Thank you for your service.
Racism is a sin issue that insults the dignity of all life. Racism insults the creativity of God who created humans in His own image. Racism can only be solved by the Person that paid the ultimate price for sin- Jesus Christ. Only God’s Spirit can change a person’s heart that ultimately changes the person’s life. With a changed heart and life comes repentance. Changed lives, change systems. Changed lives, change things. For so long we as the Body of Christ have permitted the sin of racism to fester in different guises. We have cuddled racism and given it many passes. Be it in jokes, mistreatments, demeaning plights, unintentional dismissions or injustices, we have embraced the ills of racism. America is at a tipping point of revival that will usher in harvest and healing.
God’s eyes have been running to and fro seeking the hearts of His people that are turned towards Him in this hour (2 Chronicles 16:9). It will take a Body of Christ that has been baptized in His love, truth and grace to rise up in this critical hour and bring healing to America. As God’s people we have prayed and now God is counting on His Body to be the answer to the 2 Chronicles 7:14 prayer. God is making His Body an answer of healing to America.
With the celebration of Pentecost this past Sunday, the Body of Christ has moved into an era that will now be known for the God kind of genuine love, bold faith, righteous justice, unflinching dedication to the cause of Christ, relentless pursuit of God’s heart, awe of God’s Presence and demonstration of the supernatural. Racism in all its systemic forms will not be able to stand any longer in the midst of this new wave of God's Spirit led era.
God’s Spirit has already begun a work in the hearts of men and women, believers and unbelievers in every race, young and old. This Spirit led work in people’s lives will bring change in our nation’s systems. The Spirit of God will accomplish this and His glory He will not share with anyone- Isaiah 42:8, “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols." Brothers and sisters, we are called for such an hour. "For we are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, called to proclaim His mighty acts out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9). Let’s get to working with our Lord in these unprecedented times as God's healers, reconcilers and ambassadors. From our board here at Oasis Focus Inc. we assure you we will do our part. We love you!
For The Cause of Christ,
Dr. Johnson Obamehinti