The last five weeks have been so rewarding in working with immigrant families on promoting a lifestyle of literacy in the home. One of these rewards have been the privilege to watch the tenacity of these precious families as they learn what family literacy means to them in their new found country- here in the United States. Yesterday was so special for me as I watched one family after the other stand up and express their feelings about what they have learned so far. It brought tears to my eyes- it made all the preparation of this research worth it. It is the feeling a teacher, instructor or professor has when the “light comes on” in their students eyes. It is the feeling of fulfillment and I am grateful!
To hear families express how they felt and the hope of empowerment they each had in helping their children at home made my day. These families have made a resolve to push through all challenges because of the vision they have for their families. The power of vision cannot be under estimated in any person regardless of age, gender, race or nationality. Vision gives the needed fuel to fulfill a dream. Vision propels, it motivates, it sees possibilities and it gives focus.
What a privilege and exciting adventure it has been in working with these immigrant families. I am looking forward to the next phase of this research as the families “own” their learning and make it applicable in their homes. I am confident that each family will exceed the goals they have set for themselves because of the vision that propels each one of them. I am so proud of each family as they venture out in faith- they will succeed.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish” -Proverbs 29:18a