Harriet Tubman was a woman of deep faith. Born into slavery, she escaped and became a conductor on the Underground Railroad. She worked tirelessly to help slaves escape to freedom. During the civil war, she was active as a nurse, cook and scout in the Union’s side. Her service in helping hundreds of slaves to freedom earned her the nickname “Moses.” Just like Moses, Tubman had a strong conviction on justice and liberty. Fast forward to 2016, our nation will have Harriet Tubman grace the front of $20 bills. This speaks to the value of her contribution to American history that it is comparable to that of President Andrew Jackson. Though it will take a decade or more before the bill is in circulation, however Tubman's contribution is now part of our rich history as a nation.
Across our nation’s schools, students will take home this week various artifacts made in class to celebrate their mothers. I have stored boxes of various artifacts our girls made while they were young. They are mementos that I hold very dear. Teachers help direct students on these wonderful creations for their mothers. Teachers reveal the nobility of mankind. Like currency, teachers spend of themselves in many angles. From their actual dollars, to their talents and knowledge, teachers are living currencies. Without our teachers, there is no learning or any type of schooling that can happen. Let's remove teachers from the equation of education, and we are left with a zero as the answer.
To all my fellow educators that are mothers- Happy Mother’s Day! Be sure to take time and enjoy yourself because you are doubly amazing! Love & Blessings!!
5 faith facts about Harriet Tubman: ‘American Moses’ is coming to $20 bill. (2016, April 20). Retrieved May 05, 2016, from http://goo.gl/l4v1ij
The New $20 Note. (n.d.). Retrieved May 05, 206, from https://goo.gl/qFioTe
U.S. DEPARTMENT of the TREASURY. U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing