Having completed some major projects in the past two months, I am reminded of the treasure that resides in every human being created. Many times, treasures are not easily visible but have to be excavated. On a recent flight, I was seating next to a precious couple. As the wife and I began talking, found out she was an independent consultant for a Japanese company. The company has a goal to promote healthy and wellness classrooms for autistic children. What a divine connection! In one week, I have gathered a lot about wellness classrooms and the benefit to autistic children. This year alone has ushered in more divine connections; each so unique and precious.
The idea behind wellness classrooms is to reduce environmental stressors and induce relaxation in the classroom. It takes gradual transformation to achieve this type of environmental balance in the classroom. From the look of things wellness classrooms are still a novelty that is slowly gaining ground.
The wellness concept is also using natural energy technologies to balance the body's own energy so it can work towards restoring health whenever it is necessary. This wellness classroom idea is different from the mindfulness principles and practices that are aimed at wellness in schools. In this case students are equipped with skills to address stress, learning readiness, mental and emotional health. From all indications, wellness classrooms are prayer answered for autistic children. Around every corner and over every ridge there are new wonders to behold for all children. Until our next time together here on Eduflections, be well and stay fit. Love & Blessings!!