This is a very short post :)
It is the first full week in 2019! I hope you had a relaxing Christmas break and ready for the spring semester. Our last daughter just left today and this Momma's heart is so full of gratitude to God. What an amazing God we have! Our family have thoroughly enjoyed three weeks together. With tons of fun and family time, we created so many enriching memories during our 2018 annual family tradition last month in Cayman Islands. The islands are home to some of God's precious people, food and fun. We had so much fun that we are yet to download all the pictures each one of us took. However, a major highlight for us was our wedding vow renewal that was also a "passing on ceremony" that our daughters witnessed. Our hearts and souls are full and overflowing as we begin 2019. We are excited for the year because our heavenly Father has it. He knows the year from the very beginning of January to the very end in December. That is the kind of God I want to live for. The God that knows absolutely everything. That kind of God can be fully trusted. That God also loves to make everything beautiful in its time; so we can trust Him, have faith in Him, enjoy each day and enter the rest He wants us to. Isn't that just awesome! Only God can do that. The year is already shaping up and I am sure you are as excited as I am for 2019! Here is to a God-filled year!
I am brushing up on my French this year. One of my brain challenges for the hypothalamus. Belle is french for "beautiful." It is a reminder that God specializes in making everything beautiful in its time. Something to think about as you embark on 2019. Here are few pictures we got around to download to share. Declaring God's plans for you this year friends. Much Love & Blessings!
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."-Ecclesiastes 3:11