This is another short post :) One of these days, I will sit down and do a longer post. In the meantime, bear with the brevity of my post.
Spring semester is now in full swing! Parents, students and teachers are all in full swing with school. So is Community Bible Study. Today we kick off our Spring semester and I am thrilled to journey with some of the most passionate daughters of God on the planet in the study of the Bible. In a recent study shared by a dear sister on the state of Bible reading in America, it is obvious that many believe reading the Bible positively impacts their spiritual growth. As is the nature of studies or research, one can make the inference that Bible reading is a great way to effect positive change personally and communally.
Bible reading is not just for church settings; but can be read anywhere. I am thrilled for many reasons; one being I get to serve God's daughters and enjoy seeing God at work in and through each one. It never gets old for me. Since my college days I have watched God change lives through His Word. Ready for another "watch God do His thing." He is an expert at transforming lives; who in turn change their communities. Here is to an amazing Spring semester! Love & Blessings!!