Much Love Always,
Dr. Feyi Obamehinti
Happy Father's Day to my incredible husband! You are amazing! I love you! Happy Father’s Day to my Dad, brothers, brothers in Christ, spiritual fathers, community fathers, pastors, colleagues, and mentors. We salute you and pray continual blessings upon you! Two weeks ago, we had a late spring cleaning and found some cherished pictures of daddy-daughter times. What a treat traveling down memory lane, looking back in deep gratitude for all the LORD has done. I did not ask any permission to post these three favorite pictures- it is called family home manager benefits 😊. Our beautiful daughters are now 33, 31 and 29! To God be the glory! He is indeed Good!
Much Love Always, Dr. Feyi Obamehinti Thank you so much to everyone that celebrated my Beautiful Phenomenal Queen. This weekend we get to celebrate her birthday and Mothers Day! This is pronounced today more than ever! My Amazing wife is a rare gift that God has blessed me with. The mother of my daughters! I have watched her sacrifice her life for not just them, but me and everyone she invests in because she believes in people.
Our daughters would not be who they are today without her relentless sacrifice pouring into them on her knees in prayer, in life and every turn of what a godly mother is. I can still remember like yesterday, the eleven years of homeschooling our daughters and other children from other families. This woman is a superhero! She is a good friend to the Proverbs 31 woman the Bible describes. And I am a better man because of her. We love and appreciate her immensely. And many of you know firsthand how contagious her love for God and people are. You are a witness to the Christ life in her. She is an epitome of beauty, both inside and outside. Her internal beauty shines brightly to the glory of God! And to all our beloved mothers, we salute you for serving your families relentlessly. Thank you! Mother's Day salutations do not have to end with this weekend. God Bless you! For The Cause of Christ, Dr. Johnson Obamehinti Photo by Ch P on Unsplash
Easter is here! Jesus Christ our Savior is Risen! The huge sacrifice Jesus Christ made on our behalf on the cross so we could have a relationship with God, the wonderment of the power of transformation is fascinating. It is Jesus' sacrifice that made our transformation possible as His followers. Though a gradual journey of metamorphosis, the resurrection made our change a reality. Metamorphosis quickly brings to mind the butterfly. The butterfly undergoes radical changes from starting out as a maggot to adult fly, to a caterpillar and then the final stage of butterfly. Each of these stages is crucial to the development and growth of a butterfly. Skip a stage of metamorphosis and we have an incomplete cycle of change. This is similar to what our Savior went through during Holy Week. Good Friday could not be skipped to get to Resurrection Day. Each day of the Holy Week was necessary for our ultimate transformation. Happy Resurrection! Happy Easter! Jesus Christ our Savior is Risen! In Christ's Love, Drs. Johnson & Feyi Obamehinti Greetings Beloved! Worthy is the Lord our God: to receive glory, honor and praise! Through the goodness of God, we closed out a leap month and welcomed the third month of 2024! The month of March officially kicks off spring and concludes Lent. We continue our journey with Jesus Christ towards the cross that represents Christ's ultimate sacrifice and God's redemptive love for mankind. We continue to declare that God will be glorified in 2024 and His Kingdom advanced through His people.
As we continue our Lent journey, we are focusing on the hope of lent. This is the living hope found in Jesus Christ- the way, the truth and the life. We are joining the body of Christ as we journey with Jesus Christ in His ministry, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection. We encourage you to continue to pray on these prayer requests during this Lent season: 1. Hope and Redemption for Families 2. Hope in our Public Schools 3. Hope and Redemption for our Youth 4. Hope for the USA and the World 5. Hope of Transformation for the Church Opening this month is the Oasis annual 2024 Excellence In Character Scholarship. Through the faithfulness and goodness of God, three scholarships will be awarded again this year in three counties- Dallas, Tarrant and Collin counties. Please share with any graduating senior in the North Texas area that could be blessed by this scholarship. Details for the scholarship can be found at either of these websites: Oasis Connection Ministries | Oasis Focus Inc. Thank you for helping us in sharing this with your networks and communities. In Christ's Love, Drs. Johnson & Feyi Obamehinti Blessed be the name of the LORD God Almighty! We closed out the first month of January and welcomed February 2024 with thanksgiving. We continue to declare that God will be glorified in 2024 and His Kingdom advanced through His people. This is a special month in many aspects. The month known as the month of love, our prayer focus is that God's love will permeate hearts and souls towards salvation this month! As we celebrate the rich history of African Americans this month, we pray the month's celebration will spur not just our nation but our world to a fresh level of love and unity. For it is in the place of unity that God commands His blessings (Psalm 133:1,3).
God's kind of love has the power to save, heal and transform. We invite you to join us this month as we share God's transformative love and lift up His kingdom of grace and truth. Take a listen to Oasis of Hope Podcast- God's love is medicine to our souls, spirits and bodies. Let us continue to pray this coming week for the revival of God's transforming love for our world, nation, churches, families, communities, youth and schools. In just a few days we will begin Lent- a special time dedicated to honoring the journey of Jesus Christ to the cross for humanity. This year, the 40 days lent begins Wednesday, February 14, 2024 and runs through Thursday, March 28, 2024. These 40 days are observed by Christians all over the world and preludes Easter. Through the years, men and women of God have made these 40 days a personal time to journey with Jesus Christ through focused awareness of His Presence. This focused awareness of Christ's Presence takes different forms and format as the Holy Spirit leads each one. Brothers and sisters, we want to encourage you to make this year's lent period a personal one. Ask the Holy Spirit how He would want you to journey with Christ this year, 2024. Listen, as He guides you and provides instruction in His Word. Then journey through lent one day at a time. This year, we are making lent personal through the Joshua Project- a ministry that provides information and brings awareness about the different people groups around the world yet to be reached with the gospel. Some of our ministry friends and partners live in these areas and are committed to seeing the gospel reach and transform their communities. There are currently over seven thousand unreached people groups in the world. That's over three billion people yet to have the opportunity to hear the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This lent, we are joining hearts and resources to see people in these unreached areas encounter God's transformative love. We invite you to join us as we make lent personal this year. In Christ's Love, Drs. Johnson & Feyi Obamehinti Happy New Year Friends and Partners!
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! We are declaring 2024 as the year of the LORD! God will be glorified this year and His Kingdom advanced through His people. Since 2024 is already in God's Almighty hands, God will continue to be God. He will continue to save souls, heal the broken-hearted, answer prayers, deliver and restore. This is who God is! It does not matter what 2023 was like, God is calling His people to determine that this year 2024, our gaze will be on the LORD, our eyes and heart fixed on Him and we will continue to allow His Presence to lead and guide us in 2024. As our usual focus in the new year, we are dedicating this first month to the LORD with prayer and fasting. We are asking God for a fresh commitment to Him, His Heart, His Ways, His purpose and His Kingdom. Our prayer as we embark on 2024, is that the life of God that dwells in each of Christ's followers, will be refreshed and released as a fragrance of Christ. It is our prayer that every minister of the Gospel will experience a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit for this year. We look forward to all God will do through us together in 2024. We are excited to continue to partner with the Maker of heaven and earth as we partner with each of you, our ministry friends and partners, to work together in advancing God's kingdom on earth. Let's look to Him as He guides us step by step for 2024. "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16:11). Happy New Year! In Christ's Love, Drs. Johnson & Feyi Obamehinti Season's Greetings Beloved Partners & Friends!
We enter into God's gates with thanksgiving as we close out this last week of Advent to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ! We are grateful to God for allowing us to serve people in our communities together this year! Your partnership and support have been over 15,000 families this year! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The God factor is that we had less resources this year and God multiplied the "five loaves and two fishes" to serve more people than we did last year when there was an abundance of resources. We believe God was showing us a deeper trust in His faithfulness. We are grateful beyond words! Merry Christmas! Christmas is a reminder of why we believe and continue to help, serve, and share the love of God with people everywhere. Christmas reminds us why Jesus was born! He was born to save people everywhere. Matthew 1:21,"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins." We pray for all of God's blessings for you and your families this Christmas and beyond! As always, due to the Christmas holidays, we will pause all of our services and activities till the New Year. This will give our amazing leaders and team a much needed time of rest, relaxation and recharging with their families. From our hearts, family and leadership team we wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We love you! In Christ's Love, Drs. Johnson & Feyi Obamehinti Greetings Beloved! It's the weekend after Thanksgiving, our hearts swell with gratitude for the continuous goodness and loving kindness of God! We are thankful to God for each of you and hope you had a wonderful time reflecting on all the goodness of God to you, your families and friends. Though celebrated once a year here in the United States of America, Thanksgiving is a lifestyle for the people of God no matter what continent or country they live in. We are grateful to God for His empowering Presence, equipping Purpose and His Powerful loving kindness.
As we prepare to close out the month of November and prepare for Advent, we encouraged all our partners and friends this weekend to reflect on the infinite dimensions of the love of Christ our King and Savior! God's love is all around us. His wide love extends His arm to reach all people everywhere. His long love never ends, anyone can count on His unfailing love. His high love lifts our hearts and spirits when needed the most. His deep love covers, restores and holds us up. No wonder the Apostle Paul explains eloquently in Romans 8:38-39 that, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." We want to encourage you also to take time before the end of this month and thank God for the different dimensions of His love in your life, your family and that of your friends. Ask God to saturate His people with His love. Prayer of Thanksgiving for: 1. Covering love of God 2. Redeeming love of God 3. Transforming love of God With a heart postured in thanksgiving and filled with the love of God, we are ready to enter the season of Advent. This year Advent begins Sunday, December 3 and ends Sunday December 24, 2023. People around the world observe and celebrate Advent in a myriad of ways. However, for this year’s Advent, there is a global call for prayer for the collective Body of Christ as our world faces different types of turmoil. Let us use this season of Advent to press into the heart of God as we petition Him in prayer for a world in desperate need of the Savior of the world- Jesus Christ! From Advent calendar to prayer points and devotionals, the 24/7 International Prayer Movement has resources to help the collective Body of Christ unite in prayer for our world. Let us allow God to birth something fresh this season of Advent. One of the major reasons we love the Advent season is because it gives us the intentional pursuit to prepare our hearts, spirits, souls and lives for the celebration of Christ's birth. As we look forward to the close of 2023, let the beauty of Advent be upon us as the Holy Spirit is poured afresh upon the lives of God’s people for the glory of God! Brothers and sisters in Christ, stay blessed, stay encouraged, and stay close to the Savior. For The Cause of Christ, Drs. Johnson & Feyi Obamehinti "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." - (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV)
It has been a while since we updated our Empower and Equip blogs here. Many of our friends and partners are subscribed to our weekly newsletter where we share prayer insights, prayer requests, and any ministry announcements. If you would like to receive the weekly newsletter, please send us an email or subscribe from the landing page of this website. A few weeks ago, my wife and I were grocery shopping in our neighborhood. We were finished and got ready to check out. All the open three lanes had extra long lines. The self-check lines were also extra long. Suddenly, we saw a young man wanting to check out. He had just a few items in his basket. As he approached our checkout line, he asked us if he could please get in front of us to check out because he had a sick baby at home with his wife. I told him, to go right ahead. He thanked us profusely and said, he noticed us from the other side of the store and recognized us from church. We had no idea who he was but placed ourselves in his shoes. With a sick baby at home, anyone could see the emergency this young man had. As my wife and I drove home, we reminisced on such times when we had a sick baby and needed a quick run to the store. As I closed out my day in prayer, my heart went to Galatians 5: 22-23 in thanksgiving for the young man we met earlier in the day and his family. The young man decided to come towards our checkout line because he knew of us from church. He believed my wife and I would understand. He knew of us because he had seen us at church, but we did not know of him or remember seeing him at church. Nevertheless, my heart was so full of joy that God was glorified as this young man's hope was fulfilled. That encounter brought Galatians 5:22-23 in a new light on how important the fruit of the Holy Spirit is in the lives of Christ's followers. As God's ambassadors in our world, we have the great privilege to represent God, His heart, His ways, His truth, and His life through the outflow of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. God is able to use the manifestation of His nature to bring hope to people, strengthen their faith, and encourage their hearts to keep living for God. In a time when we are seeing many young people who were once on fire for God, denounce their faith, we need a revival of the joy of God's fruit and nature in the lives of Christ's followers. In every way we can encourage the next generation in their faith, we commit to it. Brothers and sisters, let's get back to the demonstration of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Let love be loud in our lives. Let joy flow out as a mighty rushing river. Let peace be evident in our lives. Let patience orient and envelope our lives, so that we are saturated with the life and nature of God. Each of these Galatians 5:22-23 fruit is meant to multiply and make us fruitful in every area of our lives. Let's stand shoulder to shoulder as Jesus Christ is glorified in our lives. God Bless you! In Christ's Love, Drs. Johnson & Feyi Obamehinti "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8, ESV)
The axiom that we are what we eat is not only for physical nourishment but also for our spirits and minds. My wife and I like to cook and enjoy good food. It has taken years to train our digestive systems to eat foods that are high in fiber and protein with sparing carbohydrates. One of the highlights of raising our daughters was teaching them good healthy eating habits, which they now appreciate more as adults. It takes discipline and practice for the entire body system to be accustomed to specific foods. Scientists have shown the correlation of healthy eating and healthy living. Through the natural realm we gain a better understanding of the spiritual (1 Corinthians 15:46). In like manner, what we train our spirits and minds to eat will determine what they get accustomed to. Similarly, it also takes discipline and practice to experience the rewards that come from it. Unlike the natural that is focused on physical nourishment, what our spirits and minds eat affects both realms and determines the level at which we experience the abundant life in Christ. It becomes important then to take great care and be intentional in what we feed our spirits and minds. So what should you feed your spirit and mind in order to be healthy and stay that way? As people of God, we are very fortunate to have a plethora of encouragement from many great men and women of God who seek to glorify Him. Be it through sermons, books, or teachings. I am currently reading two books simultaneously from some of my favorite authors. Nevertheless, there is one main guide the scripture gives us in Philippians 4:8 when it comes to what we feed our spirits and minds. From this scripture, it is clear the kind of food we are encouraged to feed our spirits and minds. Brothers and sisters, feed your spirit and mind things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. With daily practice, your spiritual digestive system will be accustomed to such foods that lift up the name of Jesus and bring Him glory. God Bless you! In Christ's Love, Drs. Johnson & Feyi Obamehinti |
Dr. Feyi ObamehintiA Blog for Equipping and Empowering people to thrive with the Word of God. Daughter of the King, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Mentor, & Educator enjoying the Blessed Life in Christ Jesus. Archives
February 2025