When my husband and I had our first daughter, he was captivated by the awesomeness of God in Lola. She was a pre-mature baby and needed lots of tender care. My husband would carry her on his shoulders for hours; rock her to sleep and even gaze at her while she was sleeping in her crib. The captivation increased with the birth of Layo and Lade. Through the years of parenting, I have watched in amazement, his love and extreme patience with our daughters. For example, he taught them how to drive and they all obtained their drivers license. My attempt to teach the first two how to drive was futile. I heard things like, “That’s not how Dad showed me how to make a left turn.” Hence, I did not venture to teach our last daughter how to drive. I love the father-daughter bond each of our daughters has with their Dad. It is a blessing that has enabled each one of them to blossom and thrive into young women of God today.
This weekend as our family tradition is, we will express our love, honor, appreciation and gratitude to Dad. Each daughter finds one of her favorite picture of a special time with Dad to celebrate him. We are a family that loves to celebrate every occasion God blesses us with. We felt it would be good to share this family tradition through this post to encourage more families in a lifestyle of celebration and honor. Happy Father’s Day to my incredible husband! You are amazing! I love you! Happy Father’s Day to my Dad, blood brothers, brothers in Christ, our community fathers, pastors, colleagues and mentors. We salute you and pray continual blessings upon you!
Lola: “ A Dad is someone who listens with his heart and teaches not by words but by example.” Dad, you have taught me so much simply by the way you live your life. You have encouraged, influenced and inspired me all just by being the man of God and the dad you are. It is such a blessing to have you as my father. Thank you, for always listening to me and providing godly sound advice. Thank you for loving our family well. I pray that God blesses me with a man just like you as a husband. Here is one of my fondest precious moments with you. I love you Daddy! Happy Father’s Day!
Layo: Happy Father’s Day Dad! I love all the traits we share; our calmness, sense of humor, and passion for encouraging people. I also love the areas we are different. One of these areas is your leadership and interactions with people. I have never met anyone who can become friends with a roomful of strangers so quickly, and who just as quickly can garner their respect because of your sincerity of heart as you engage them in conversation. You care for people to the point of sacrifice. I think that is why God’s anointing flows so freely through your life. I can always count on your sound advice that comes through prayer. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough Dad, for all you are in my life. You are truly priceless, and I thank God for the wonderful man of God you are. Here is one of my most precious moments with you, taking me to Europe. I couldn't be more grateful to be your daughter, and I love you!!
Lade: Dad! Happy Father’s Day! Today, we celebrate you, your life, and your example. You are exceptionally great at leading a life that is an example of agape. You are patient, kind, selfless, gracious and strong. I love your passion for sharing the transformative power of the cross. Many times, in my prayer, I ask God for a man of faith, character, and God’s heart just like you. I am absolutely enamored by your passion and natural will to live out a spirit-led life and your praying spirit and anointing for prayer inspire me. Your empowerment to minister to others through timely words of knowledge for the weary, edification of fellow believers and powerful witness will be strengthened and magnified to even greater proportions in Jesus name, Amen! Here is one of my favorite times with you. I love you and appreciate you :)
Note: To see the accompanying pictures with this post, click on hyperlink for the original post.