We have been blessed to see almost three weeks of the New Year! Like many across the world, you have set goals for your spiritual, physical, mental and social life. That is commendable, because it shows your desire to be better with each passing year. It seems to be that as individual citizens or believers, we customarily do not set individual goals for our nation in our New Year goals. These are not goals related to running for office. Rather these are goals of our commitment to make our nation better every passing year with our lives.
Today we have that opportunity to make a commitment if we have never done so, to make our nation better with our lives; using your gifts, talents and resources. Whether you voted for our new president elect or not, as followers of Christ you have a mandate to fulfill in 1 Timothy 2: 1-2 “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” This scripture admonishes believers to pray for our leaders. We are fortunate to know many great men and women of God who are committed to the well-being of our nation. These generals of faith use their lives to advance peace, godliness and holiness. As missionaries, my wife and I pray to see the increase of the manifestation of God’s love in our nation each passing year.
As our new elected President and Vice-President take office today- we have the opportunity to make a commitment to pray for them, their families, and every leader that will serve alongside them. Consider that if every believer irrespective of race, background or creed commit to the ways of God, we will experience in our lifetime a move of God as we have never known or seen before. What more could we desire to see than the restoration of people’s souls. The ways of God gives us the access as believers to have the eyes and heart of God.
Beloved brothers and sisters, let’s unite in prayer for our nation. Let’s ask that righteousness will reign, let’s pray blessings over our nation, the nations of the world, and God's people here and abroad. Let’s be a people united in prayer. On our knees in prayer we can seek God for a united nation. May God bless America, for it is in Him we trust!
For The Cause of Christ,
Dr. Johnson Obamehinti