Add tropical like weather like what we have here in Texas and you have a great recipe for spring. Many educators are starting their spring break while others are looking forward to the much-needed time off.
On a personal note, springtime is a time of celebrations from our middle daughter’s February birthday to my husband’s March birthday. This year we have the added layer of our youngest transfer to her second rotation in Wisconsin and our oldest award and recognition in April as the Outstanding Ph.D. student during UNT’s Honors Day Convocation. We love to celebrate, because we know God is the source of every good gift. We never take for granted the blessings He bestows. When we celebrate we are declaring the mercies and goodness of God! It is because of Him that we are!
Springtime also means the celebration of the Vernal Equinox. This is one of the four great seasonal changes every year. It’s a great time for educators to design fun and educational lessons to celebrate this equality in day and night. Here are some ways to celebrate springtime in the classrooms:
1. Design and grow a “Garden of Opportunity”: teachers can design either an indoor or outdoor garden to help concepts come alive in math, science and social studies. For example, students can bring math to live by calculating plot size to the exact amount of soil needed for each plant to grow. There is something remarkable about planting seeds in the ground, watering the seeds and with the help of sunlight, life springs forth!
2. Celebrate National Arbor Day: teachers can design a thematic unit around trees to celebrate Arbor Day on April 29. From studying different types of trees in a specific region, to measuring trees, students can become botanists in their own way. Students can also extend learning by reading a color key map, or create tree silhouettes.
3. Discover the “World of Kites”: teachers can take their students on a kite adventure using a map of the world. Students can learn about the history, science, technology and aerodynamics associated with kites. With appropriate materials, students can also design their own kite and experience the thrill of flying one.
You can find more springtime ideas by visiting A to Z Teacher Stuff at .
Let’s celebrate springtime and be poised for new life and growth! Love & Blessings!!
“Spring is when life’s alive in everything.” – Christina Rossetti