We have schools where each student has an abundance of devices to work with both at school and home. Due to the abundance we are accustomed to; it is sometimes difficult to believe that we still have schools where students do not have access even to the minimum technological device at school and none at home. For students in the later part, I am always excited and thankful when I come across something that can help leverage their access; however little it may be. Such was this recent networking event.
One of the device designers I met at this event shared information she received from an engineering professor from another event she attended. A great example of the “cycle of life” in motion. As we “know”, we "share" with those we meet. The knowledge shared circulates till it gets to the specific recipients that will not only receive the information but be impacted by it. She shared about a low cost internet opportunity for families on free or reduced lunch. Depending on the zip code, the internet may be free or as low as $9.95 per month. There is also information on purchasing computers at a very low discount price and free training is provided for some zip codes. I checked out several zip codes and found a variety of availability of internet service and computers. This is the age where technology is becoming increasingly vital for student success. Following up to learn more; I discovered that this opportunity was made possible through partnerships with various local internet service providers in 49 states. Very exciting!
EveryoneOn is the generous national non-profit making this rare opportunity possible for students with no technology access either at school or home. Its vision is to eradicate the digital divide by making high-speed, low-cost internet service and computers, and free digital literacy courses accessible to all unconnected Americans. Visit EveryoneOn at https://everyoneon.org/get-connected/ to learn more.
With the Christmas break just around the corner, this will be a good time to get students with no technology access connected. Let’s all get the word out to our communities that can benefit from this unusual opportunity and create many ripples. This is the “net” in networking!!
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” - Philippians 2:4 ESV.