We started the year with great expectation and excitement for all that God has in store for 2020. On behalf of my wife, and our board members, I want to thank you for your prayers and support. May God continue to bless you and your families. Oasis Connection debuted on Preach The Word Worldwide two weeks ago. We are grateful for the partnership to spread the message of salvation, hope and restoration on this inspirational network. Oasis Connection continues to focus on the message of hope and God’s specialization in meeting people where they are. The broadcast is on Mondays at 11:30 AM Central Time featuring practical hope for victorious living from God’s word and the many transformed lives of God’s people who dwell in the Lordship of Jesus Christ as the way, truth and life. We know that together with the great team at Preach The Word Worldwide, God’s kingdom will continue to populate with souls. In addition to our partner networks that you regularly pray for, please add the team at Preach The Word Worldwide to your list for weekly prayers. Keep your feedback coming. We love to hear from you and pray with you. To connect and watch on Mondays visit the TV Broadcast section of our website.
Earlier in the week was President’s Day here in the United States. We continue to receive your emails asking for prayer for our nation. In agreement with believers across the nation, we are persistent in praying for our nation, our President, VP President, members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court, our Governors, our state legislators and our local government officials. It takes every level of government to experience the peace that the Bible talks about when we pray for our leaders, "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." I Timothy 2:1-2.
As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to be doers of God’s Word. We have a responsibility to pray as much as we would like to talk about what is not going right in government. We have a responsibility to represent our LORD in every way. We have a responsibility to see souls saved in the midst of a culture that is against God and everything He stands for. We have a responsibility that has both eternal rewards and consequences. We have a responsibility as the collective Body of Christ to herald His name above everything else. We have a choice to follow the tide of our culture or be obedient to our LORD and His ways. We have a choice to look to Him or our culture. We definitely cannot do both. One leads to eternal life and the other leads to eternal separation from God. My prayer for us as followers of Christ is that we will be anchored in God’s truth in these days of societal challenges. Christ is the solid Rock. Beloved brothers and sisters, in the words of the hymn writer Edward Mote; “may our anchor hold within the veil.”
For The Cause of Christ,
Dr. Johnson Obamehinti