I have taken a hiatus from blogging to concentrate on completing my doctoral program in ministry/theology in addition to my tent making and traveling. Yet to figure out how my wife extraordinaire could multi-task while completing her doctoral program. The more, I prepared my writing assignments for this week, the more pronounced it became in my spirit to share on the reality of Jesus as we enter into Holy week.
Holy week brings a hush to the horridness of life that would like to obscure the reality of Jesus Christ- our Lord and Savior in our culture. Holy week presents that solid premise of unshakeable faith in a God that is vibrantly alive not only in the lives of His people but in every facet of our world. Weather the world acknowledges God’s existence or not, does not validate His existence. God is, has been and will forever be!
I don’t think it is a coincidence that the first in a series of four red moon accounts fall within this year’s Holy week. It has been clearly documented that at about 2 a.m., of April 15, 2014, the moon will completely be within the core of Earth’ shadow, and the moon will appear red. This phrase of the moon is expected to last for over an hour, when the moon begins to emerge from the shadow and return to its normal color. This phenomenon is called the Blood Moon. There is the prophetic lens that overlays the occurrence of blood moons and tetrads with the Hebrew calendar; particularly of interest to us believers is the occurrence of these on Jewish commemorations and the occurrence during sabbatical years.
You may say, what does all this means for you as a believer? Not taking any specific account into isolation, I can sum it all up in what we have heard for so long and got too accustomed to; Jesus coming is near. What this translates for us as believers is to get serious and be about our Father’s business. We are living in a dispensation that commands we take all this “Jesus stuff” as the world would say, really, really, seriously. It means, take your relationship with Jesus, take the word of God, take your prayer life, take sharing the gospel and living for Jesus seriously. In fact, let it be said of us brothers and sisters that you are totally on the Lord’s side (Exodus 32:26). Let it be said of us that we have not given any ground away to the enemy of the kingdom of God. And let us as believers, be known by everything we are that we are making our world a better place day by day in everything we do. More so, let it be said of us that we are changing the world for the better because of the power of the resurrected Savior that lives in us- this is the reality of Jesus! God bless you!