Time definitely passes quickly and it is unbelievable that another year is almost three weeks away. This past weekend, we had our last board meeting of the year. It was a blessing to be able to reflect on the impact that God allowed us to leave on our spheres of influence. It left us at Take Back Ministries with awe, reverential worship, praise, and our hearts full with thanksgiving.
From the release of my book "Take Back Your Ground, It's Yours In Christ" in January to being involved in Prayer Gatherings, Back to School Fairs, Community Family classes, providing Bibles to Military families, Public School Choice application and a variety of charity events: God has blessed Take Back Ministries and graced our amazing team to share the love of Christ with those that are disfranchised and unchurched. The eagerness and hunger in the lives God allowed us to minister has blessed us more than those we ministered to but such is the kingdom of God. There is power in the word of God and more when we experience the working of that power in the lives of people we encounter and touch for eternity.
One of such are immigrant families in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Specifically, refugee families who typically have left everything they are familiar with to start over here in America. The idea of fleeing war and persecution is not something we are used to in America. We are a blessed nation that has modeled what democracy is all about and how it operates compared to other countries. As Christ's ambassadors we have a mandate to be peacemakers in our world. With refugees in the news as a result of the horrific tragedy in Paris, France, safety is a prime concern for us in the U.S. To help bring awareness to the refugee process and ease the mounting fears against all refugees one of our advisory board members, Dr. Faith Nibbs and her husband, Pastor David Nibbs, who is also a filmmaker, created a two minute Fact vs Fiction video that walks people through the realities of the difficult screening process refugees endure before they are allowed into America. Please, take a minute to watch the video and share with your family, friends, neighbors and anyone that can benefit from the information. To learn more about the Nibbs, visit The Forced Migration Upward Mobility Project.
Not only at Christmas but at every moment, let us be ambassadors of peace, love and transformation in our world. Let’s fill our world with the fragrance of Jesus Christ, Savior of the world. From us all here at Take Back Ministries, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a glorious 2016! We love you and thank God for you!
For The Cause of Christ,
Dr. Johnson Obamehinti