The historic election that divided a nation is over! There is a deep sigh of relief from every corner of the world not just here in America. The real work now begins in rebuilding and reconciling a divided nation. Beloved brothers and sisters, no matter who you voted for, it’s time to be the balm and spiritual glue in our nation. People are in desperate need of the manifestation of the children of God. They are looking for the expression of God’s love. Will we rise up to the occasion as God’s people?
Like many followers of Christ for the past 19 months, my wife, friends, fellow intercessors and I have stood in the gap for our nation. From pleading the mercy of God, to confessing our indifference to injustices and to asking for God to heal our land, we have poured our hearts to God. In agreement, we recognize we need a spiritual revival. This is the time to manifest that healing presence of God. There is a cry for healing and hope for our nation. Many are asking similar question like we see in Jeremiah 8:22, “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?”
We have a balm in Gilead- His name is Jesus Christ and He works through every vessel that has given Him preeminence in their lives. Through His spirit He heals and makes whole. The work of healing our nation begins with each follower of Christ doing our part to be light, salt, voice, hands and feet in our worlds. We must be involved at every level of humanity. This is not a time to sit by and not be involved. Our democracy works because of involved people and not spectators. Our involvement in the trenches of hurting humanity is what brings healing. The touch we each give is what gradually restores hope. Just like a balm soothes, so is the power that dwells in us. We have prayed for healing, now it’s time to put action to our faith and be the balm of healing. Healing is hard work and brings a vibrancy of life and well being. Healing is wrapped up in everything that denotes love (I Corinthians 13).
Dear brothers and sisters, let’s make a renewed commitment on this Veterans Day to be the balm in Gilead. To all our veterans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces, a huge “thank you” for your great service! May the blessings of God envelope your families eternally. May God bless all our newly elected leaders at the local, state and national levels and their families. May God bless our outgoing President and his family. May God bless our new President-Elect and his family. May God bless each and everyone named of the Lord. May God bless America, for it is in Him we trust!
For The Cause of Christ,
Dr. Johnson Obamehinti