Who would ever have thought, that a time would come in the history of this great nation, that the very fundamental truth of marriage would be debated in the highest court of law. The fact of the matter is that no human court can ever debate the truth of God’s word. God’s word is everlasting and carries the final authority that no court ruling can re-define.
God’s vision for marriage made Genesis 2:22 a reality. It states, “Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.” God had a plan already set for marriage. Later in the New Testament, we see God’s kind of math further explained. Matthew 19:5 show us this amazing design for marriage. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” Every single word in this verse means exactly what God intended and it paints the picture of His plan for marriage.
Many generals of faith have examined all that is at stake in the upcoming ruling of the Supreme Court on marriage. Yes, there is more at stake for followers of Christ. There is the issue of religious freedom threatened to the very core of why this great nation was founded in 1776. God has commissioned these generals of faith to make a bold declaration on where the body of Christ stands on this issue. A friend of ours who is familiar with our passion for family and marriage shared the “Defend Biblical Marriage” pledge with us last week. This pledge represents the voice of Christ’s ambassadors that we stand by the word of God no matter what happens. Brothers and sisters I encourage you to sign the pledge and passionately pray for this great nation for an awakening of the infallible truth of God’s word. My wife and I have signed the marriage pledge and I know many great men and women of God have done the same. To sign the pledge, go to Defend Biblical Marriage. Tell your friends and let’s multiple our voice as Christ’s ambassadors.
When I think of God’s kind of math, I am thankful beyond words. My exquisite wife, mother of my three daughters is a gift from God. She is a woman of God, woman of purpose, and a Proverbs 31 woman. This year, I get the distinct honor of celebrating twenty-five incredible years of God’s kind of math with her. This month of May, we celebrate my Queen’s birth to this world, her amazing motherhood to our daughters who are living epistles of God’s goodness in addition to the graduation of my youngest daughter from college. Testifying to the faithfulness of God, His kind of math is accurate.
For The Cause of Christ,
Dr. Johnson Obamehinti