The year 2012 is a pivotal one in the United States, filled with numerous elections. So far, citizens have been entertained by media outlets from both liberal and conservative schools of thought. The current stirring in my spirit is a call to come closer to God. In our journey of faith, God is calling us to come closer to Him, much closer than we have ever been before, and there is no better time to draw near to God than this time in history.
Why would drawing closer to God be important in an election year? Maybe so the eyes of our hearts and understanding could be influenced by the Divine rather than what we see or hear around us. The hope of finding Him is the best promissory note we can ever ask for, clearly shown in the epistle of James 4:8a.
God reveals Himself more intimately to us when we draw closer to Him. After the prodigal decided to go back home, the Bible says the father ran towards his son as soon as he saw him. Noah cuddled and pulled the dove to himself as soon as the dove made a gallant return to the ark. God is making a similar, passionate call to those who have been adopted into His kingdom in order to encounter his Divine embrace that is capable of bringing out the best in each of us.
Nothing can be compared to heeding the calling of God to draw closer to Him. God will never grow weary of us no matter how close we get. God declares in Isaiah 58:9, “Here I am.” He is waiting to heal you, answer your prayer, forgive you, help you, deliver you, favor you, redeem you, save you, and fellowship with you to foster intimacy.
God is constantly asking what He can do for His children so what are you waiting for? Quicken your steps and draw closer to the Lover of your Soul. God is coveting our intimacy this election year. Let us, His bride, come near to our Savior.