Mark 16:15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."
Before I went to Africa last month, I was exploring the seven spheres of influence (church, government/law, arts/entertainment, education, business, media, and family) as I prepared messages. Now being back in the U.S., friends have asked me what I felt the Lord spoke to me during the trip. There are indeed many revelations, however my most pressing thoughts are divulged below.
We have done a great job as Christians in influencing the “church” by saving, teaching, equipping, and discipling souls but when you observe the other six spheres, it appears we have not done as well in making a noticeable impact for the kingdom of God. In fact, for so long, Christians have been deterred from these six areas. Some young people who feel a call to any of these areas are afraid to venture into them for fear of being rejected by the church.
In Nigeria, I saw Holy Ghost filled Christians invading every sphere of their society. These Christians were making a “church” in these areas with their contagious zeal, active faith, and outward witnessing of their Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Why complain about our American government, entertainment, education, business, media or family structure when we Christians have relegated these areas unto the world to rule? We have been made to believe these six areas are not for Christians. Thus, many Christians handle their God-given gifts in these six areas discretely rather than boldly exhibiting them for God's glory.
Jesus had a reason for saying “go ye” into all the world. I believe part of making disciples of men and women is preaching the good news in each and every one of these areas with the love, light and life of Christ. Until we value each of these six areas as ripe harvest fields, these areas will continue to remain dark. We, as the body of Christ, must not continue to stay comfortably in the “church” and should make a decision to venture out into these six spheres.
Go Forth and make disciples in the church, government/law, arts/entertainment, education, business, media, and family.