(1 Chronicles 16:11).
Many of you have sent us emails asking for prayer for our nation. In agreement with many believers across the nation, we are persistent in praying for our nation, our President, VP President, members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court, our Governors, our state legislators and our local government officials. It takes every level of government to experience the peace that the Bible talks about when we pray for our leaders, "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." I Timothy 2:1-2
In recent weeks, we have seen some unbelievable moves in policies pertaining to innocent lives. It has been the norm of our American culture to see the dignity of life as a political debate. As an immigrant from a third world country, dignity of life is not a political issue but a Biblical truth. I believe we are at a crossroad as a nation and the direction we go depends on the Body of Christ. In a time, when Biblical truth is no longer relevant to the culture of our society, God is raising up men and women who care for nothing but the Kingdom of God. Men and women who God has prepared Himself through the school of life. Men and women who understand kingdom culture and its implications. Men and women who have been emptied of our systems. Men and women in whom resides a double portion of God's Spirit. Men and women of character and focus. Men and women that are fearless. Men and women that have the ears of heaven. Such men and women will be vital in steering our nation back to sanity. Beloved brothers and sisters, as we pray for our nation we must also act putting our faith into action. Each one doing his or her part as we stand at a crossroad.
To this effect, our next two broadcasts on Oasis Connection TV will cover the issue of dignity of life and the right to life that all innocent lives have. Lest the truth and light of God shines through, our culture has made a Biblical truth a political debate to deaden our conscience. May our God help and deliver our nation. Mark your calendar and watch the next broadcasts that are scheduled for Saturday, March 2 and 16 at 9:30am. You can watch live from the UANetwork website on these dates.
I cannot finish this post without a congratulatory shout out to my anointed beautiful Queen on the upcoming release of her book, Crushed to Restored: Principles of Restoration from the Book of Nehemiah. I am so proud of her and all God has done in her and is doing through her. She is a blazing vessel for our God and a mighty threat to the kingdom of darkness (Updated 3/4/2019: click on link to order a copy of her new book and learn more: Crushed to Restored Book).
We love hearing from you and praying with you; so keep the emails coming. Beloved brothers and sisters, look to the LORD, His strength and seek His face always. Let Him encourage you to take a stand for Biblical truth. God Bless you!
For The Cause of Christ,
Dr. Johnson Obamehinti