No spiritual accomplishment results without the anointing. Anointing propels into the supernatural, moves mountains and calm storms. Tests are turned to testimonies, obstacles are turned to miracles, and barriers are turned into breakthroughs, all because of the anointing. The work of the kingdom of God prospers and flourishes because of the anointing. Anointing makes the impossible possible.
No wonder the Word of God declares in 2 Corinthians 1:21 that “Now he which establisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God.” His anointing, on any life He has called, makes all the difference. Don’t make the mistake of living life without the anointing. Even the devil and his demons recognize the power an anointed man or woman of God holds.
Serving in ministry is a divine assignment from the Almighty God and hence, it requires divine empowerment in order to fulfill God’s purposes. Anointing is the divine support needed to pilot kingdom work. Every king who ever ascended the throne in Israel was first anointed before accepting the crown.
As it was then, so it is today, no one can occupy the place of their calling and purpose without the anointing. The disciples were never the same after they were endowed with power from on high. Lord anoint us to be exemplary in our purpose and calling.
Need the anointing for what God has called you to do? Then ask Him from your heart: “Pour on me the oil needed for a breakthrough in ministry and victorious living.” God is too faithful not to grant His desires to His sons and daughters.